Choose advertising methods: After you have identified your target audience and divided it into segments according to its various characteristics, it is now the turn to choose the most appropriate advertising medium to address it to achieve the best result, according to its different interests and the amount of its presence there, taking into account the budget that you specified at the beginning, and trying to divide it among the advertising means to cover most of the channels and media that Your audience is on it as much as possible within the budget. 5.
e marketing process and promotional Rich People Phone Number List activities that you carry out. Without the appropriate brand identity that expresses the essence of your brand , shows its originality and distinguishes it from competitors, your marketing efforts will not have valuable and fruitful returns. card for your project, and represents the quality and efficiency that distinguishes it from other projects in the same field.
What proves your project’s presence in the market, increases its value, and raises its status in the eyes of the public. But what is a brand identity, and what is its benefit? What is the difference between it and visual identity? How can you build an identity that represents your project and enhances its value? table of contents: 1.What is the concept of visual identity design? 2. How is the commercial identity built? 3.How do you search for a business identity design? 4. The importance of designing a business identity. 5. Steps for designing a business identity. 6.