On approximately the same dates, the Board will put out to tender the contracting of the drafting of the project and construction management for the construction of the new health center
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha plans to Switzerland Phone Numbers 6 Million List begin in the summer the renovation works on the roof of the CEIP 'Fernández Turégano' in the Cuenca town of Sisante. An action that is part of the Educational Infrastructure Plan launched by the Executive of President García-Page.
The first vice president, José Luis Martínez Guijarro, who recently visited this municipality, explained that the work will have a completion period of three months in which access to the roof will be practicable to facilitate its maintenance, as well as the replacement of system of gutters and downspouts and in general collection and evacuation of rainwater.
Likewise, on approximately the same dates, the Board will put out to tender the contracting of the drafting of the project and construction management for the construction of the new Sisante health center.
Martínez Guijarro has highlighted the importance of both actions since they will allow progress in improving both the educational quality and the health care of the residents of this town. And the improvement of this type of facilities is “essential” for the population to settle down and thus contribute to stopping depopulation, as Martínez Guijarro has assured.