People, as long as they re able to afford it, would rather pay someone else to do the deeds they re not keen on doing themselves. Nothing s wrong with that. I ve had my share of ordering grocery deliveries after all…. But doesn t Canva already have a huge library of templates? Why bother purchasing from elsewhere? I have nothing against Canva s huge template library. Most of these are high quality templates created by talented designers. Heck, who contribute to Canva s native template library. Here s my template profile on Canva. However, the distinction lies in the uniqueness of a third party template and quality. For example, anyone with a Canva account can access.
Canva s template library. While these templates are awesome, they re also photo editing servies less unique. As for the quality factor, as someone who both creates templates for Canva s template library and templates for selling in my shops, I can tell you that spend way more time designing the ones I sell in my shops. The third reason is in bundling. Let s assume you re looking for some Instagram templates for your business and you want a set of templates with a consistent style.

Now what? You won t get that in Canva s template library because they have one off designs, not bundles. In contrast, we — Canva template sellers — who sell on our own platforms or third party marketplaces like Etsy or Creative Market, do not sell one off templates. We sell packages. An Instagram Canva template package may have or or more templates that are similar in style and design, and if someone purchases a bundle like that, they re pretty much set for a long time.