All of this must be done regardless of the sector we are in or the products or services we offer. ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (ESR) Environmental social responsibility (ESR) as its name indicates focuses mainly on the environment. the negative impact on nature and everything that comprises it. Actions are taken to try to ensure that future generations do not suffer the negative consequences of climate change.
Examples of the initiatives are the famous rule of the 3rs (reduce, recycle and reuse) and the 5rs ( reduce, repair, recover, reuse and recycle ) to limit waste and garbage. GOVERNMENT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (GSR) In governmental social responsibility the Chinese Overseas Europe Number Data main actor is the government. Therefore, it focuses on promoting initiatives for the common good in its management. All of this is achieved through rules, regulations, reforms and social programs that benefit society.
Beyond the types of social responsibility, it serves as a parameter for us to act in our daily lives. SR generates value in companies that is difficult to overcome. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact experts on the subject and transform your management. At Serna Group we know that SR is more than a simple concept. Related topics: Corporate Social Responsibility CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, IMPROVING .