Since their campaigns to take advantage of the rival implied high costs. In view of the results obtained, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola raised the prices of their products by 3.3% in 1989. This policy brought them a significant profit margin. In short, these are some practical cases that show the versatility and usefulness of game theories when considering optimal strategies at an organizational and business.[size=14.6667px]
LevelAny company's main aspiration is to know not just what the consumer says about its brand, but really what they think of it, that is, the ultimate reason why they decide to buy something or why they don't. This moible number data knowledge is the dream of every marketing manager, since it allows you to refine his strategies much more, both in the purchase decision process and during the entire promotion and marketing interaction.
Before, it was possible to survey consumers about a logo or product before launching it, but it is normal for their response to be in favor of what the brand wanted to hear and not what they really thought, something known as bias. These answers were useless for marketing, since it seeks to really know what a person thinks. With this purpose, theneuromarketing, a discipline that has tools.