The advantage is that you shoot less with hail and reach your target group much better. You show them content that suits them, for example by personalizing the product page. Or you can adjust the language or provide personalized advertisements. The experience is more personal with dynamic content and visitors can navigate more easily on your website, making them stay longer. Another plus is that dynamic content can have a lower bounce rate and load faster. This is good from a SEO point of view, because search engines (and your website visitors) love fast websites and usually rank them higher. What do you need.
The opposite of a website with dynamic content is a website with static content. Static content is not personalized and this data is stored in HTML. Dynamic content is stored in a database and is collected by what the user shares with the website. Think of personal data such as photo editor your name, address, e-mail address, but also the purchase history. To collect this information you need a Data Management Platform (DMP). Such a tool collects, stores, protects and processes data so that you can use it to create a personalized experience.
First choose a DMP before you start with dynamic content. There are many platforms to choose from, well-known ones are: SAS Software, Oracle, OnAudience, Adobe Audience Manager and SAP. Faster content creation with AI As I wrote before, marketers are investing , even more than in other areas that are important to marketers. Such as media, marketing personnel and the use of agencies. This also includes artificial intelligence (AI). Thanks to AI, you can respond much better to the needs of your audience and write a blog even faster.