There, ratings are formed based on customer feedback, adding experts to favorites when a customer wants an electrician or plumber to come to him next time. Appropriate specialists are identified by consultants, taking psychological aspects into account. For example, it is better not to assign this master to one of his subordinates, because he cannot stand advice. But for the housewife who needs a knowledgeable expert, he's perfect. Have you compared your ratings to those based on popular reviews on the internet? good idea.
Maybe we'll try. But we won't pay attention to them anyway, because popular ratings don't always reflect the true quality of the service. It is not known who left the comment, for example, about the doctor's comment, what was the result of the treatment. Maybe that person was helped in moible number data that moment. A woman came to a therapist, prescribed treatment, and it became easier. There, perhaps severe sinusitis, it is necessary to send to the ENT department.
She left a psitive review today and complications a month later. That is, we don't see the dynamics of these people, and we don't know how they are actually being helped. In auto and property, of course, many end executors are present in other services as well. There we follow their profiles. Instead of looking at ratings, to negative customer reviews. For us, it's also a selection tool. Are service providers unhappy with how they are represented on the platform? For example, disagree with a rating. How does the service work in this case.