Cutting your marketing budget really help your company's bottom line? Companies that scale back their marketing during an economic downturn are actually jeopardizing their long-term market share. When talking about marketing budgets, management sometimes only looks at the numbers, ignoring the specific nature of marketing. Some entrepreneurs think that their company will maintain its market position and a stable level of sales and revenues over time.
Without marketing investments, companie cannot Job Function Email List remain in their market position for long. They will continue to lose customers and will have more and more difficulty gaining new ones. by considering the likely decline in revenue due, rather, to standing still. Consistent and persistent marketing is the only truly effective solution. Perhaps the “rule of 7s” (in short, the idea where potential customers must be exposed to an ad seven times before they can act.
May be outdated, but frequency and repetition are still important. Many potential customers won't take action the first time they see an ad, promotion, or piece of content. Many won't even act the second or third time. Value propositions take time to establish themselves. Brand awareness takes time. Perhaps direct response marketing could produce short-term results but most forms of marketing require long-term investments of money and time.