They are not taking advantage of mobile devices properly. If you are part of that group, you are a marketing manager of a brand that is presented in a physical store, and you are still not very clear about how new technologies can help you , you probably need to be aware of one essential fact the use of devices Mobile phones already affect purchases in physical stores. If you are not aware of this and do not take advantage of the situation, you can fall halfway in sales.
Don't let your strategy go to waste. By taking advantage of mobile devices and their possibilities, you can improve your chances. Increasingly, consumers in all types of markets are using Digital Marketing Service their mobile devices to make purchases. At first, they used it only for pre-purchase research, but according to an Marketer article, there is a good chance that mobile device usage will extend even.
During in-store shopping. “ Mobile devices are affecting the traditional way of shopping. In April , an investigation by Google and TNS focused on the different ways in which smartphone users in the United States used their device during purchase, according to data in this article from June , , consumers as varied such as women who were going to buy clothes or makeup.